
Our Exchanges.

THE unusually large number of exchanges which meets our editorial gaze upon our return shows us at a glance that our reading and culling must be rapid, if we would satisfy the demands of the rapacious printer, and sustain the Magenta's well-earned reputation of always appearing on time. We take this opportunity, though late, of returning the profuse tenders of Christmas and New Year greetings, of which the college press in general has been so lavish.

THE Record comes to hand just as we go to press. It contains an editorial on the next Regatta, from which we have only space to copy the following item of interest: -

"Mr. Cook has written Mr. Boardman, of Calais, Me., asking him to call the Annual Convention of the National Rowing Association of American Colleges on the 21st of January. Messrs. Ferry and Cook will act as the delegates of Yale at that time."

MOTE excitement at Yale! From the Courant, which is, by the way, a remarkably good number of a very good paper, we learn that there has been another insult offered to the "Skull and Bones" Society. A flag was discovered one morning floating from the Chapel spire, bearing the emblems of the "Bones," and the significant words, "Death to." This was afterwards secured by a Sophomore as a "memorabil," and lodged in the room of a Senior, from which place it was removed by stealth. Suspicion pointed at the "Scroll and Keys," and a arrant was obtained to search their rooms for the stolen property. As the police, however, declined to allow any outsider to accompany them in their search, the prosecution was withdrawn. The Senior societies at Yale appear to afford grounds for much dissatisfaction among non-members, which is perhaps the case with all good societies and in all colleges. Here, at Harvard, we don't profess to understand much about the working of society affairs in other colleges, and perhaps cannot duly appreciate the animosity which seems to prevail so particularly against the "Bones." But for the perpetrators of the flag business our mildest name would be ungentlemanly soreheads.


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