To the list of candidates for the Master's degree, as published in the Catalogue, the name of James Olney Averill, A. M., 1870 (Amherst), should be added. It was unintentionally omitted.
THE Senior Class has secured the services of Mr. William Notman of Montreal as Photographer. He expects to build his studio on some lot near the College buildings, and will begin to take the negatives of the class by the last of the present month.
THE French Club will meet as usual on Monday evening, the 12th. A full attendance is requested, as business of importance is to come before the meeting.
AN omnibus line between Harvard Square and Boston is one of the future probabilities. We have all seen enough of high rates and insufficient accommodations to welcome any additional comforts on our pilgrimages to Boston. We suggest that one may come out as a supplement to the last car and pick up the footsore stragglers.
FAMA volat that the Nassau Boat Club of New York is to put in training a six-oared crew to row against the winners of the Collegiate Regatta of 1874.
THE young ladies who after 1874 obtain degrees will use them, if for nothing else, at least to make a bustle.
PERSONS who have paid their initiation fee to the University Boat Club, and have not signed the Constitution, may do so at 14 Little's Block; also any who wish to become members. Only those who are regular members of the Boat Club have the right of voting for officers, or have the privileges of the Boat House. This rule hereafter will be rigidly enforced.
AMONG the good resolutions for 1874, some person, or persons, appear to have resolved to read extensively in magazine literature. So fierce is this thirst for knowledge that every American magazine for January disappeared from the Reading Room during vacation. They have been replaced, and, as the joke seems to be as fresh as ever, we presume it will be repeated.
THE Biblical Editor suggests for our Boat House the name "Golgotha, - the place of a skull,"
THE hand of improvement has visited us quite severely during the vacation. The settees have been removed from several recitation-rooms and their places filled by some indescribable desks (?). The smell of black walnut and fresh varnish in the rooms suggests an undertaker's shop most forcibly. Prophetic of some future dead!
THE regularity of our Janitor, Mr. Jones, at the bell, has probably forced itself on the notice of all ere this. This regularity was nearly interrupted on the morning before Thanksgiving. A preliminary trial of the rope revealed the fact that something was the matter with the bell. Further investigation showed that a huge turkey a d "fixin's" had somewhat muffled it. Love for his college duties and, we presume, for turkey hastened his motions, and the bell was soon impartially summoning saint and sinner to prayers, just on time.
THIRD Assembly next Monday night.
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The Freshman Crew.