The pamphlet containing a "prospectus" of the "Examinations for Women in 1874," which represents what Harvard is willing to do in the cause of female education, has just been issued. It is gotten up with much care, and is well calculated to convey an accurate idea of the requirements that will be made. There are to be two examinations in succeeding years, beginning with 1874, the former of which has to be passed before the latter can be applied for. The preliminary, examination, as it is called, embraces nearly all that is required for admission to college; while the second allows the candidate a selection of one or more of the five subjects,- Languages, Natural Science, Mathematics, History, and Philosophy. Under these different heads some option is also possible, but the examinations are searching, and fully represent the ordinary college requirements in these branches. In fact, some of the specimen papers present a singularly familiar aspect Much good advice is also given on the manner of pursuing the different studies, - particularly Classics, - which, if followed, will go far to correct the very popular faults of second-rate instruction.
The origin of the plan is due to an association of Boston ladies, who also undertake the conduct of the examinations, which will be held in Boston. The College, however, stands ready to make a similar arrangement with any association in the country which can guarantee a sufficient number of candidates. Such a system has been operating successfully during the past ten or twelve years at the English Universities.
The experiment is one which ought to succeed, and it is to be hoped that no false pride or diffidence on the part of young women will prevent their profiting by its advantages. In many respects the advantages of a course of study pursued at a distance, and in anticipation of an examination before a board of University examiners, are superior to one pursued on the spot, For, in the first place, the surroundings can be made more conducive to study, and the mind, freed from the educational machinery of a college, can derive more enjoyment and consequently more benefit from study.
Such necessary evils as working for marks, cramming for examinations, and compulsory recitations are also eliminated. Then, too, the difficulty of an examination is generally exaggerated, or at least duly appreciated, and the consequence is a more thorough and extended preparation. The certificates given to successful candidates will be worded so as to cover the different degrees of merit, and will in time, we hope, prove a far more valuable recommendation of a young lady than any slip-shod boarding-school accomplishments.
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The Serenade to the Princeton Nine.