THE annual supper of the Institute to celebrate the election of the Freshman ten, took place at the Parker House on Saturday, the 7th inst. In the selection of the locality the old custom was departed from; but the members considered that if anything could compensate for the loss of an evening's study, it would be a first-class supper with all the adjuncts.
The company present was not numerous, and, as the event proved, all the more agreeable on this account, for the social and informal nature of the affair was its great charm.
As soon as the grateful odor of coffee and cigars had diffused itself through the room, the President, Mr. C. W. Wetmore, arose, and in a farewell address to the Society, and a welcome to the new members, did honor to himself and the Institute.
Mr. Gaff then took the floor in response to the toast of '76, and with some prompting did the proper thing.
Mr. Green, of the same class, in response to the "First Ten," delivered himself of a gushing speech, and wound up with an original interpretation of an air from French opera.
The "University Crew" had ample justice done it at the hands of Mr. C. W. Plummer, who hoped to see everybody at the boat-house, trying for the crew.
The other toasts were the usual ones, and were happily disposed of. The response to the closing one, "The Ladies," was beautifully done by Mr. J. M. Ward, who seemed to thoroughly appreciate his subject.
The whole affair was a fitting conclusion to a most successful society year.
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