THE Regatta Committee, chosen at the Convention in April, met at Springfield last Saturday. All the colleges, except Bowdoin, were represented by their delegates. The eleven delegates were R. H. Dana, Harvard; H. A. Oakes, Yale; E. M. Hartwell, Amherst; E. P. Alexander, Mass. Agricultural; John Gunster, Williams; F. A. Thayer, Dartmouth; G. M. Spear, Columbia; J. B. Edgerly, Cornell; G. B. Underhill, Trinity; A. D. McClellan, Brown; H. H. Cotton, Wesleyan.
R. H. Dana was chosen Chairman, and E. M. Hartwell, Secretary. The business went on smoothly, and many important decisions were made. Among them these are the most important: that each boat shall start from an anchored boat; if the race is postponed from the time appointed, it shall take place the next pleasant afternoon; that a single scull race shall be held, open to men of all colleges in the Association, provided three entries be made before June 20. The selection of a Referee was left to a committee consisting of McClellan, Oakes, and Hartwell, which will report in July. A new starting-point was settled upon at a point one fourth of a mile below the old one, where the river is about eleven hundred feet wide.
The Springfield Club made the most generous offers possible. They will furnish a tug for the press, which is to follow the boats; they will erect a grand stand near the finish of the race; provide boat-houses for the crews; furnish prizes for the winners; and give a grand Regatta Ball, which they promise shall excel, in decorations and music, anything ever seen in Springfield. Every prospect for an exciting week is most encouraging. Every college reports a good crew in training. The Freshman Ball Tournament will last a week. The city will be crowded with students from twelve colleges, and, to crown all, there will be the magnificent Ball. The least we can do is to go to the Regatta, thanking the Club for their generosity and enterprise, and promising that the fair ladies of Springfield shall not want for partners at the Ball.
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