IT was the frequent postman
Who opened wide my door.
He gayly tossed a letter
On the broom-neglected floor,
And remarked that I was debtor
To the Dean for this one "shore,"
And be walking straight I'd better;
Then departing said no more.
Exit that eccentric bore.
I snatched it from the carpet,
And gazed upon the billet,
And observed the cramped handwriting,
With its letters shaped so illy
That they seemed to have been fighting;
Then my cheek outvied the lily,
For I feared a summons, citing
Me to visit Mr. Hill; - he
"Ships" the culprit, will he, nil he.
My sins were red as scarlet
From a proctor's point of view; -
Far more read than is Magenta, -
And I thought, or rather knew,
That the Faculty had sent a
Warning home for quite as few
Boyish faults as those which enter
On my page, - I, rather blue,
Tear the envelope in two.
O, howl for exultation!
Gentle reader, list; know that a
Hatter of undoubted talent
Thus tries circulars to scatter;
Hoping by this means he shall ent-
Ice us to peruse the latter-
Quite an entertaining valent-
Ine, except the subject-matter.
Would you patronize the hatter?
C. A. M.
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