

To those interested in the subject of rowing, and indeed to all those who are at all jealous of our national reputation, it may be agreeable to hear that, in the recent great University race in England, Mr. J. E. Peabody, an American, was in the winning crew. Had Mr. Peabody followed out his original intention of coming to Harvard, he would have been a most valuable member of our boating community. But fate decreed otherwise, and he went to our Mother University in England, where he has gained considerable reputation as a boating man, and is very favorably spoken of by the papers. We should feel proud that our reputation is so well sustained abroad.

ON being asked the similarity between Rubinstein and Samson, our Biblical Editor vouchsafed in reply, that the former seemed to him to emulate the latter in conquering with his hair, likewise in bringing down the houses with his hands.

A MODEST Muffin objects to playing ball in the Yard, because it is too public! Many have found it to be one private also.

WE protest against Cambridge being placarded with notices which end like the following: "Ladies are particularly invited to attend as they will be offered for sale at exceedingly low prices."

LET all remember the theatricals at Horticultural Hall, this evening and to-morrow afternoon, for the benefit of the H. U. B. C. The programme for this evening (Friday) is "Your Life's in Danger" and "The Follies of a Night." To-morrow afternoon (Saturday) will be presented the "Virginia Mummy" and the burlesque "Anne Boleyn." The Pierian will furnish more of that excellent music of which we so lately had a specimen at their concert.


SCENE, History Recitation. - PROF. What is one of the duties of the House of Representatives?

SENIOR. To try all impeachments.


SENIOR (who has a bright thought). Oh! to sit on all impeachments.

THE list of assigned rooms is out, and has caused many new developments as well as disappointments. The drawers of the "double zero" are numerous, but refuse to consider themselves lucky. Candidates for the palatial Holworthy find their rooms in the attic of Grays, while some who were contented with the lowly upper rooms in Hollis expect to move up another story still and fix their habitation on the roof, and warm their chilled bodies around the comfortable chimneys.

THE Graduates' Cup has arrived. It will be placed in the Library, where those wishing can have an opportunity to see it. The names of the various members of the winning crews will not be engraved upon it, but will be recorded on parchment.

IT seems as if the Magenta's Bull were in the Advocate's china-shop.

THE Rev. Dr. O. S. Munsell, President of the Illinois Wesleyan University, has been up before the trustees on a charge of a new kind of "lip-service," and has resigned in accordance with a strong hint. What the charge against the playful divine was can be inferred from the report of the trustees, who "regarded the course of Dr. Munsell, in kissing different young ladies, as unwise and very improper, and that his position, as president, heightened this folly and impropriety; but, as it was always done in the presence of third parties, there could have been no improper intent." We have always disapproved of "mixed colleges," and see no reason now for admitting women to their "rights" here.

THE remark of a friend that he was "going to New York, Deo volente," caused our Geographical Editor to spend the rest of the day searching in the Pathfinder for all routes via Providence.

AT a recent meeting of the Senior Class, Mr. C. P. E. Burgwyn was elected Ivy Orator.
