

SCARCE had bright Sol dispelled the dreary night,

And smitten with his golden beams this orb,

When sweet Aurora came in gentle flight,

With joy its admiration to absorb.

Her advent gave new life to every flower,


That, striving now to pay her homage due,

Filled with their fragrance each enchanting bower,

Till love from admiration quickly grew.

First from its modest nook the violet crept,

Breathing fidelity with odorous breath.

Forth in its shining garb the myrtle stepped,

And spoke of love triumphant over death.

Last came, attended by her floral host,

Radiant in beauty, Queen of Flowers, the Rose;

Of all her varied charms to proudly boast,

And all the glories of her realm expose.

Thus, in the youthful morning of thy life,

Like the sweet perfume of Auroral flowers,

Thy gentle nature, with all goodness rife,

Draws every heart within its magic powers.

A. A. W.
