

IF in union there is strength, the social muscles of the University are developing finely. A number of new societies have been announced recently, and now two more are on the carpet. (The English Club has forsworn all foreign tongues.)

The object of the DOG-FANCIERS' UNION can be inferred easily enough from its title. Several undergraduates, owners of valuable dogs, formed the plan of meeting and consulting together in regard to the feeding and management of their canines. We suppose questions like the following will be discussed: "Does the practice of holding a dog's mouth so that he cannot howl while being castigated for misdemeanor further the best interests of the dog?" "Is there any limit to a dog's capacity for eating?"

This society will be a valuable one. The number of dogs owned here will increase largely, and though the watchman is dismissed we shall not miss his valuable services. Perhaps the College will then be able to hire somebody to light the gas in the entries. Why will not some one bestow a fund for this purpose? It is probable that the Union will establish a hospital. This will be a great comfort to tormented chums, who can see to it that their persecutors spend the most of their time there. It is to be hoped, also, that after the winter's discussions, the warm days of spring will not be allowed to pass without putting theory into practice, in a little pit in some shady spot known only to the initiated.

The other styles itself the Y. E. S. C. Co. (which stands, we are told, for the Yard Electric Submarine Cable Company), and has issued a neat little prospectus setting forth its objects and wants. It is proposed between now and the next season to lay a number of cables between University and the other buildings in the yard. There will be a man always in attendance at the central station in University, who will send notice of probable cuts to all the buildings, notice of the probable absence of the monitors from prayers; will transmit notices posted on the bulletin-boards, notices of privates, publics, special probations, and suspensions; and efforts are being made to have parietals transmitted in the same way. The subjects of forensics will be sent to absentees. All conferences with the Dean can be held by cable, and full lists of answers to petitions will be furnished every Tuesday morning. The advantages of this scheme are obvious at a glance. Our famous plank walks have proved so far below our expectations, that the minimum of wading through the Yard from December to May is the maximum of happiness.

To carry out this scheme a joint-stock company is forming with shares at $5 apiece. Shareholders will be entitled to the use of the cable free. All others will be charged fair rates, and no discount. It would be a pity if the plan should fail for want of money. Any one can save five dollars' worth of shoes and doctor's bills in a winter by the aid of the cable. We are not definitely informed, but it is rumored that the projectors of this enterprise are the C. T. Co.

