

AN enthusiastic and harmonious meeting of the H. C. C. was held in Holden Chapel, October 1, and the following officers elected for the coming year: -

Pres. R. H. Dana, '74.

Vice-Pres. J. Wilby, '75.

Sec. & Treas. C. W. Stone, '74.


Directors, W. F. Spinney, '74.

Directors, J. G. King, '75.

Directors, F. L. Green, '76.

Directors, N. W. Curtis, '77.

Captain of the Eleven, J. Dwight, '74.

The Harvard Eleven has made its appearance this fall, notwithstanding the anticlimax of last spring; and the indications are that it will be the best Eleven that Harvard has ever had. It was soundly beaten by the Walthams in the spring, but the events of the summer have shown that it was the closest game that any Massachusetts Club has played with it.

There is plenty of good material in College for the Eleven, and all that is needed is practice and support. The Club needs more members; and all undergraduates, particularly Freshmen, whether players or not, are earnestly invited to join at once, All who desire may become members by calling at Matthews 55 or Holyoke 16.

The Albions of Saxonville played a game on the East Cambridge grounds, September 27, with an Eleven, nominally the Nahant, but practically the Harvard. The Harvards batted first, and hit for 54 with 5 extras. Of these, Lee, Hubbard, and Dwight earned 47 by splendid batting. The Albions made only 24 with 6 extras, being unable to get hold of either bowler. Robinson and Cowles alone made average scores. The fielding on both sides was very good, as is shown by the small number of byes. Tilden's bowling was very effective, and Hubbard did some very good work; while, on the Albion side, Shepard and Lockhead did great execution among the weak batsmen. In the second inning Spinney and Ames were in together, and before they were separated had scored 52; 10 on byes, a score of 14 for Ames, and 28, a score unprecedented with us, for Spinney. Curtis and Prince also did some good batting, and the Harvard score at the end of the inning was 88. The Albions then made 69, largely on byes, as the Harvards could not field Hooper's balls; and the game closed 137 to 99.
