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THE excellent manner in which the College Chapel has been repaired certainly reflects great credit upon those having it in charge. The commodious gallery, which extends along three sides and contains three rows of seats, has greatly increased the seating capacity of the Chapel, and we think has not marred the beauty of its proportions. The windows of stained glass, each of which bears' upon it the University motto, "Christo et Ecclesiae," admit a very soft and mellow light. The fresco work, though of a plain and unassuming style, greatly improves the general appearance.

The pulpit has been entirely remodelled to accord with the other improvements, and the large and ugly "sounding-board," which seemed to threaten immediate annihilation to our much respected pastor, has been removed, and the whole interior has undergone a complete transformation. We learn from a responsible source that the undergraduates will soon receive a cordial invitation to see for themselves.
