A debate between the University and Boston College, the first forensic encounter between the two institutions since 1898, will be held on January 11 in Symphony Hall. This will be the first Harvard-B. C. competition of any sort since 1919.
The debate was arranged between the University Debating Council, and the Fulton Debating Society of Boston College, as a special feature debate, and is not included in the league schedule of the University.
The question under debate, which will be argued by teams of three men each, will be: "Resolved. That Al Smith is qualified for the Presidency." The University will maintain the negative of this proposition, while Boston College will uphold the affirmative.
The Oxford system of speaking is to be employed in the debate, with each speaker allowed 18 minutes for his main speech, except that the first affirmative speaker will have his time divided between a main speech of about 12 minutes, and a final rebuttal of six minutes.
Decision as to the merits of the speakers will be placed in the hands of the audience, which will be the sole judge of the debate.
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