9 o'clock
"Etruscan Wall Paintings", Professor Chase, Fogg Lecture room.
"Was Chu Hsi a Materialist?" Professor Porter, Widener 771.
10 o'clock
"Labor Parties", Professor Friedrich, Harvard 1.
11 o'clock
"Schiller's Rauber", Professor Silz, Sever 25.
"Meredith", Dr. Maynadier, Sever 11.
12 o'clock
"Development of Territorial Market Systems", Professor Usher, Widener U.
2 o'clock
"The Primates", Professor Allen, Zoology Laboratory 46.
"Smollet and Sterne", Professor Greenough, Sever 11.
9 o'clock
"The English Commonwealth", Professor Whitney, Harvard 6.
10 o'clock
"Russia's Pre-War Diplomacy", Mr. Karpovich, Sever 25.
"Brahms", Professor Spalding, Music Building.
"Nineteenth Century Historians", Dr. Starr, Sever 18.
"The Logic of Moral Obligation", Professor Perry Emerson A.
"Early Writers of the West--Bret Harte", Professor Murdock, Harvard 2.
11 o'clock
"Thomas Fuller", Professor Murdock, Sever 18.
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