
The Crimson Bookshelf

HISTORY OF AMERICAN ART, by Sadakichi Hartmann. 2 vols. L. C. Page and Co., Boston. 1933.

THIS new edition of Hartmann's "History of American Art" brings up-to-date the earlier writings and puts them in new format. Well illustrated it adequately covers the field of American art from Copley, Trumbull, and West up to the present time.

Hartmann lists the more important painters before 1828, discusses the landscape painters, American sculptors, the graphic arts, American art in Europe, and some of the latest developments. As an outline, it is highly commendable, but as an analysis it falls short of the mark, undoubtedly because the author has attempted to cover too large a field in too little space. The result is a sketchy survey of a large field of art in which any attempt at analysis is noticeably lacking. For one desirous of becoming acquainted in a general way with the trends in American art this book would be very useful but one looking for an analytical study of the subject would be disappointed.


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