

No one sent in the following communication. But someone might have, and, really, someone should have. The fact that no one did is no sufficient reason why so important a matter should be neglected.

"To the Editor of the CRIMSON:

My name is Jacob Abraham Isenstainborgsky. I am free, white, twenty-one, and a blond of pure Nordic Angio Saxon stock. But already I digress! I started out to ask, why did Zona Gale say consorship is un-American, implying by this term all that is black and damnable? Can it be that whatever is bad is un-American is bad? Yes, it must be. Thus we go round and round in a merry circle, and everybody is happy and convinced that the other fellow's vices are importations and that virtue alone (especially our personal brand of it) is native to this soil. The cry of the patriot-reformer in these latter days is clear and never failing: "Evil (no matter what) is un-American (whatever that is)."
