


A game for the informal University hockey team with the Newport Naval Reserves has been arranged in the Arena for tomorrow evening. This will be a hard test for the upperclass seven, as the Naval team has many former collegiate and club stars in its lineup, and has already defeated Camp Upton and Boston College.

Two of the strongest members of the team are the Howard brothers, former forwards with the New York Hockey Club. The other Navy forwards are Cann, captain of the Radio seven, and Patterson, a member of the 1915 Princeton team. On the defence are Humphreys of Princeton and Bull of the New York Athletic Club.

The informals will be without the services of R. E. Gross '19, so that A. H. Bright '19 may be shifted from right wing to the left of the forward line. In this case either E. Van R. Stires '20 or J. S. Higgins '20 will probably play Bright's regular position. If Bright stays at right wing, however, either H. F. Gibbs '20, A. L. Peirson '20 or R. Hoffman '19 will play in Gross' place. The probable lineup for tomorrow night's game follows:

Informals.--r.w., Bright; r.c., Cabot; l.c., Gibbs; l.w., Rice; c.p., Stubbs; p., Walker; g., Louderback.

Naval Reserves.--r.w., Cann; r.c., J. Howard; l.c., T. Howard; lw., Patterson; c.p., Humphreys; p., Bull; g., Childs.


Few Men Report for Practice.

Informal and Freshman hockey was hampered yesterday by the number of men absent because of examinations, and by the heavy snowfall. Hardly enough players were present to make up two sevens, and the snow slowed up the work to a great extent.

A. H. Bright '19 was again in charge of the squads and will probably continue in this capacity until R. E. Gross '19 is able to resume the coaching. He will at the same time hold down his position in the informal forward line.

During yesterday's preliminary work-out, practice in starting was featured. All the players joined in short dashes half the length of the rink, but owing to the condition of the ice no judgment could be passed upon individuals. The latter part of the afternoon two sevens, drawn from both squads, had a 30-minute scrimmage.
