
Results of Pasteur Debate Trials

At the first trial to choose the Agora team for the Pasteur Medal debate, in Dane Hall last night, the following men were retained for the second trial next Wednesday: A. E. Block '08, S. Feingold '07, H. W. Hines '09, G. L. Lewis '08, B. S. Pouzzner '09, and A. Prussian '08. At the second trial, which will be a regular debate on the question, "Resolved, That the French government should substitute a general income tax for the present direct taxes (contributions directes) now levied for national purposes," Feingold, Hines, and Prussian will speak on the affirmative; and Block, Lewis, and Pouzzner will speak on the negative. Their speaking last night was judged by H. Hurwitz '08 and I. L. Sharfman '07.

The men retained at the Forum trials have been divided into the following two teams to debate the same question at their second trial: affirmative: J. C. Bills '09, I. Dimond '09, and R. E. Hoquet '08; negative: K. Costikyan '09, G. C. Good '09, and A. E. Pinanski '08. The judges were J. S. Davis '08 and B. M. Nussbaum '08, the latter of whom will coach the Forum team in place of H. Hurwitz '08, resigned.

About 15 men spoke in each of the club trials.
