

In Brooks House at 7.30 o'clock This Evening--All Freshmen Invited.

The annual reception given by the Phillips Brooks House Association to the members of the Freshman class will be held in Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7.30 o'clock. A. C. Blagden '06 will preside, and short addresses will be made by Dean Hurlbut. Coach Reid, J. M. Groves '05, Professor E. C. Moore and Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, Bishop of Massachusetts. A double quartette from the University Glee Club will sing, and after the addresses refreshments will be served. A number of prominent upper classmen will be present.

Every Freshman in the University is invited to be present, as the reception affords one of the few opportunities in the first days of College for the members of the Class to meet upper classmen and each other.


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