

With bombs bursting all over the European continent, it should soothe the argent pacifist to learn that here at Harvard exists an oasis where German, Czech, and Austrian all live together in comparative harmony. Chinese and American students add to the melting pot aspect of the International Club, Harvard's newest dormitory project.

Although for years New York, Chicago, and California universities have boasted of their magnificent facilities for taking care of foreign students--graduate and undergraduate--Harvard indifference has heretofore nullified any such effort in Cambridge. It was not until last spring, when a group of determined graduate students gathered to form an International Club, that anything definite was done. Now, with Phillips Brooks House "angelling" the project financially, the seventeen room house on Divinity Avenue stands as concrete testimony to the success of the plan.

With intelligent management the present club with its thirty members and twenty-two residents may well grow into an institution rivaling the New York and Chicago projects. However, if it does no more than remain at its present level of development, the International Club will fill an important gap in Harvard's institutional set-up.
