
Howe, Mississippi Rights Worker To Address Protest Meeting Here

More than 500 Summer School students are expected to attend a rally in Sanders Theater at 5 p.m. tomorrow to protest the murder of three civil rights workers in Mississippi and urge federal intervention in the state.

Mark deWolfe Howe '28, professor of Law, and a Mississippi field secretary for the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, will address the rally. Martin H. Peretz, teaching fellow in government, will serve as moderator.

CRCC to Recruit

The event is the first of numerous civil rights activities slated for the Boston area this summer. At registration today representatives of the Civil Rights Coordinating Committee will recruit Summer School Students for participation in civil rights projects.

One key project is the campaign for Congress of Negro social worker Noel Day, director of the St. Mark Social Center. Day's formidable opponent is Speaker of the House John W. McCormack. Running as an independent, Day needs 4,800 signatures on his petition, and student volunteers are needed to canvass for signatures.


NSM Conducts Tutorial

The Northern Student Movement in Boston is conducting an extensive tutorial and adult education program during the summer. Students with skills in remedial reading, English literature, history, social studies, science, and mathematics are needed to work individually with tutees.

The Boston branch of the NAACP is running a summer-long voter registration project for the November election, and is seeking students to do door-to-door canvassing and teach adult education classes.

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