Announcement has just been made of a change in dates of the Glee Club's series of concerts at Symphony Hall. These concerts were scheduled for Thursday evenings, December 16, February 17 and April 7. They were arranged at these times in order not to interfere with other undergraduate engagements, so they would be well attended by the student body. To avoid conflicts, however. It was found best to change the dates to Wednesday, December 15, Thursday, February 17, and Wednesday, April 6. Application blanks for seats at these concerts are now being sent to every member of the University. The prices for the series of three concerts will be $7, $5.75 and $4.25.
Every indication points to this being the most unusual series ever presented by the Glee Club. Soloists of the highest repute in the musical world will appear at each concert, performing both alone and in conjunction with the Glee Club. Albert Spaulding, the brilliant American violinist, will play at the first concert. In the February concert, Frieda Hempel, the famous prima donna formerly with the Metropolitan Opera Company, will appear. The final concert will be with Fritz Kreisler, whose performance with the club last year will not soon be forgotten by those who witnessed it.
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