
Dates, Topics Announced in Godkin Series

John Jay McCloy, former United States High Commissioner for Germany, will deliver his three Godkin Lectures on the subject of "The Challenge to American Foreign Policy," Edward S. Mason, Dean of the Graduate School of Public Administration, announced yesterday.

The first lecture will deal with "Problems in American Foreign Policy," the second with "Principal Policies That Have Evolved," and the last with "Problems in Putting Policy into Effect." McCloy will give the lectures January 12, 13, and 14.

A native of Philadelphia, McCloy is a graduate of Amherst College and the Harvard Law School. He served as Secretary of War in 1941, a post he held throughout World War II. He became president of the World Bank in 1947 and was named U.S. High Commissioner for Germany in 1949.

Earlier this month, McCloy had been mentioned prominently as a prospect for General Eisenhower's Cabinet.

The Godkin Lectureship was founded in 1903 in honor of one-time editor of the New York Evening Post and The Nation, Edwin L. Godkin. The general subject of the Lectures is prescribed as "The Essentials of Free Government and the Duties of the Citizen."
