

Preparations for Ceremony Now Completed and Festivities Should be Attractive.

Preparations for the inauguration of Ernest Martin Hopkins 1901, Dartmouth's eleventh president, to be held October 5 and 6, are virtually completed. The annual Dartmouth night exercises will be held in conjunction with the inaugural festivities on October 6 and will be attended by and participated in by delegates and alumni in Hanover for the inauguration as well as by the undergraduate body. That the inauguration will be distinctly a college affair seems certain from the letter sent recently to all alumni of the college which reads: "In view of the various other academic ceremonials which are elsewhere to be held this fall, and of the approaching celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of the college to be held in 1919, the trustees have concurred in the expressed wish of President Hopkins that the exercises be very simple, with opportunity for the largest possible participation by those directly associated with the college. The fulfillment of this wish has controlled the arrangement of the program and the nature of the emphasis upon different exercises."

Particular emphasis will be laid upon undergraduate participation in the inauguration. Undergraduate committees will take charge of several of the functions, the senior class will attend the inaugural ceremonies in a body, delegates will be chosen from each of the three lower classes, and undergraduate cheer leaders will direct the cheering. Due to the limited accommodations of Hanover and the impossibility of entertaining many guests outside of the college buildings, it will be necessary to utilize some of the dormitories for the entertainment of alumni and delegates, and the homes of the faculty will also be opened to guests.

Officers of the association of the alumni, members of the council of alumni and the president of the association of class secretaries will be classed as delegates representing the entire alumni body and will be expected to take official part in the complete series of exercises.

The inauguration exercises will open on the night of Otober 5 with a reception given by the trustees in honor of President and Mrs. Hopkins in the trophy-room of the gymnasium at 8.30. This reception will be open to delegates, guests, college officers, alumni and student representatives. Morning prayers will be held Friday morning, October 6, in Rollins Chapel, followed by the formation of the inaugural procession and the inauguration exercises in Webster Hall, open to delegates, college officers, alumni, the senior class and representatives from the three lower classes. The inauguration luncheon in College Hall will be held after the ceremonies at 1.30 o'clock and will be attended by delegates, guests and college officers. An illumination and torchlight parade, attended by fireworks ordered especially for the occasion, will be held at 7.30 o'clock and the festivitities will be brought to a close by the annual Dartmouth Night exercises in Webster Hall at 8 o'clock.
