


Although the University entrants were able to win nothing more than one third place in the Millrose Athletic Association games held Tuesday night at Madison Square Garden in New York City, they proved conclusively that the Crimson team will be more than a dangerous threat in the coming B. A. A. meet to be held at the Arena next Saturday night, in which Paavo Nummi is entered.

The performance of the four University runners who were entered in the Millrose meet was not brilliant, but was very satisfying to Coach Farrell when the calibre of the opposition is considered. The brightest spot from the Crimson standpoint was the third place in the 600-yard race which was won by E. C. Haggerty '27, star middle distance runner of last year's 1927 Freshman team. This race was won by A. B. Helffrich of Penn State for the third successive year. With the experience of the Millrose games behind him and more work this week. Haggerty should stand a good chance in Saturday night's races.

Miller Qualified in Finals

A. H. Miller '27 qualified for the finals in the 50-yard dash, but was defeated by Loren Murchison, former champion, Harold Lever, Pennsylvania captain of a few years ago, and Jackson Scholz. Olympic champion, who finished in that order. To reach the final heat, Miller was called upon to defeat many of the foremost sprinters in the country. If his performance Tuesday night is to be taken as a criterion, the Crimson runner should preve a real rival to the list of noted runners entered for the Arena games. To be able to finish close on the heels of the Olympic title holder stamps the sophomore runner as one of the fastest sprinters who has worn the Crimson in several years. The other University entrants failed to qualify.

Relay Race With Yale is Feature


The two-mile relay race with Yale is the main event on Saturday night's program from the University standpoint. Coach Farrell has not definitely decided upon the make up of the team, but he will choose it from among W. L. Chapin '95 B. R. Cutcheon '95, E. C. Haggerty '27, H. R. Kobos '26, W. I. Tibbetts '26, and J. N. Watters '26. The return of Watters has given the Crimson hopes a decided boost. The intercollegiate half-mile champion should be at his best on Saturday night although he may be slightly handicapped by his lay-off this winter because of his scholastic work.

The mile relay team will face the M. I. T. quartet in what promises to be a very close race. The University team will be made up of four men to be chosen by Coach Farrell from among F. P. Kane '26, C. T. G. Lundell '27, L. L. Robb '25, R. G. Allen '26, and K. M. Rogers '26.
