
Conant Calls Russian East German Sector Soviet 'Achilles Heel'

The free world should take advantage of the position of Germany's Russian zone as an "Achilles heel in the Soviet satellite system," James B. Conant '14, President emeritus, yesterday told the Los Angeles World Affairs Council.

"We should use every occasion to expose the fact that the Russians are exploiting this portion of the German population, and exploiting is the proper word," he said.

The conscience of the free world must be quickened to the injustice of a divided Germany," he said. Uranium mines in Germany are being depleted for Soviet war industries, youth impressed into an army to reinforce other countries, and prison sentences are mercilessly administered, Conant reported. "The tales of the refugees," he continued, "are the tales of a terrorized population."

The daily behavior of Soviet agents in West Germany cannot be reconciled with simultaneous Russian gestures of peace, he concluded.
