All applications for permission to compete for the Charles Eliot Norton Fellowship in Greek Studies, for the year 1906-07, must be made to Professor M.H. Morgan, chairman of the Department of Classics, before Friday. The theses of the approved candidates must be presented to him not later than March 1, 1906.
Competition for this fellowship is open to all members of the Senior class and of the Graduate School, both of the University and of Radcliffe. Its annual income is $600. The award will be made on the basis of the thesis and of such other evidence of scholarship as may be accessible. In making the award no account will be taken of the financial means of the competitors; and no award will be made in case the theses offered are not of sufficient merit.
With the consent of the committee candidates may write on other classical subjects than those proposed in the following list: 1, The Greek epigram in literature and inscriptions to the end of the classical age; 2, Greek conceptions of a future life as illustrated by works of art; 3, The dramatic art of Euripides; 4, The international aspects of Greek commerce; 5, The Greek conception of liberty and democracy compared with the modern.
The editors of the Harvard Studies in Classical Philology are to have the right to publish the thesis of the successful candidate. The incumbent of the fellowship must agree to pursue his studies for the year of his incumbency at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens.
Further information may be obtained from Professors J.H. Wright and H.W. Smyth, who with Professor Norton compose the committee of award.
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