
Ed. School Panel on Diversity Discusses Experiences, Book

Discussion continues campus debate begun by May protest

West also echoed the need for diversity, stating that the anthology injected a "blue note" of much needed "dissonance" into the Harvard community.

"At its founding, Harvard was not created for many of the people who are here now," West said.


West went on to praise the "the best of Harvard tradition"--what he described as the University's history of admitting minority students that Harvard's founders never envisioned among the University's students.

Diversity has long been a topic of discussion and debate at the GSE. Last May, more than 150 students protested before a faculty meeting, calling on the education school to do more to diversify the student body, its faculty and curriculum.

Specifically, students called for greater freedom of information on admissions and faculty hiring practices, funding for special retreats and conferences addressing diversity at the GSE and a new staff position whose duties focus specifically on diversity.

Yesterday's forum was a continuation of this discussion, organizers said.

Following the forum's speakers, a group of eight alumni and students read their pieces from the anthology.

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