American Economics Association Elects Fryer to High-Ranking Post, Says It Was Unaware of Sexual Harassment Allegations
The AEA announced in fall 2018 that it was adding Fryer — along with four other top economists including former Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen — to the 2019 iteration of its Executive Committee.
Students Filed Title IX Complaints Against Kavanaugh to Prevent Him From Teaching at Harvard Law
Over the past week, several students filed formal complaints alleging Kavanaugh’s presence in Cambridge would violate Harvard’s policy prohibiting sexual and gender-based harassment.
Dominguez Retains Emeritus Privileges Pending Results of Sexual Misconduct Investigation
Pending the results of an investigation into his alleged sexual harassment of at least 20 women, Dominguez will continue to receive the perks that come with emeritus status, including access to University spaces and research support.
More Than Quarter of Surveyed Profs Say They Know Dept Member Who Experienced Sexual Harassment
Roughly 30 percent of surveyed members of the Harvard Faculty of Arts and Sciences say they know at least one person in their department who has experienced sexual harassment.
Sexual Assault Complaints Increased By 65 Percent Last Year
According to the report, 43 individuals across Harvard filed formal complaints of sexual or gender-based harassment during 2016-2017, an increase from 26 the year before.
Reports of Sexual Harassment at Harvard Increase Amid National Movement
Harvard has seen a 20 percent increase in sexual harassment complaints filed in the wake of a sexual harassment scandal implicating Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein.
Title IX Office to Restructure, Split into Two Offices
Harvard’s Title IX Office will split into two distinct offices—one for investigations and one for training and resources—in an administrative restructuring.
Our Harvard Can Do Better Discusses Sexual Assault On Campus
“We’re gonna be pushing for a lot of demands that we’ve been quite vocal about in the past,” Amelia Y. Goldberg ’19, a member of the group, said.
Harvard to Launch Search for New Title IX Officer
Harvard will begin a process to replace Title IX Officer Mia Karvonides in the coming weeks, looking to fill a position that some Title IX experts say will be widely sought after.
Karvonides’s Departure Surprises Some Students
The upcoming departure of Mia Karvonides, the University's Title IX Officer, has surprised some Harvard undergraduates, who say that Harvard's response to sexual assault has become more urgent in the current national political environment.
121 Students Disclosed Potential Sexual Harassment to College's Title IX Coordinators Last Year
Harvard College’s Title IX coordinators received 121 disclosures of incidents of potential sexual harassment last academic year, a nearly four-fold increase since the 2013-2014 school year, according to the University Title IX Office’s annual report.
New Title IX FAQs Expand On Previous Guidance
Half a year after some undergraduates criticized a University-issued frequently asked questions document about sexual assault as legalistic and inaccessible, Harvard’s Title IX Office has added a new series of answers to questions about campus sexual harassment policy and procedures.
Analysis: Harvard Uses Previous Policies for Some Sexual Assault Investigations
For students, faculty, or staff who filed complaints about conduct that occurred before September 2014, when the new policy went into effect, the investigative office uses the previous, school-level policies to define sexual harassment and sexual assault.
After 34 Cases, Central Sexual Harassment Office Aims to Increase Staff
Harvard’s central office for investigating cases of sexual harassment has heard 34 cases since it opened in September 2014 and started a pipeline program to hire more investigators amid increased demand.