FM Imagines: Domain Names

Recently, new domain names such as .sucks, .porn, and .adult have become available for purchase. Here's what FM imagines they'll buy next.

Recently, new domain names such as .sucks, .porn, and .adult have become available for purchase. In an effort to protect their reputation from trolls who may use the domain for evil, people and organizations such as Taylor Swift and Microsoft Corporation have purchased “” and “Office. adult.” Harvard recently joined the fray, reaching into its wallet to purchase a “.porn” in order to preserve the school’s valuable reputation. The real question here is this: What domain names should Harvard buy next? Below, FM imagines what Harvard might want to buy next. 


1. harvard.fossilfuels

2. harvard.theamountofsnowinboston

3. harvard.ishouldhavegonetostanford

4. harvard.cheatingscandal

5. harvard.usnewsandworldreport

6. harvard.gradeinflation

7. harvard.ncaabasketball