Venn Diagram: Shakespeare vs. Shake Shack

Lines sometimes seem impossible Loved by bourgeois New Yorkers Might be first-date material for Harvard students Best when accompanied by alcohol Much ado about nothing



Great tragedies

A lot of his material gets recycled

Hamlet probably his best work

“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo?”

Inevitable comparisons to a summer’s day

Also wrote sonnets, if you’re into that

sort of thing

Shake Shack:

Great tragedies for your waistline

A lot of its materials are recycled

Hamburger probably its best work

“Do you want fries with that?”

Inevitable comparisons to Tasty Burger

Also serves dog food, if you’re into that sort of thing


Lines sometimes seem impossible

Loved by bourgeois New Yorkers

Might be first-date material for Harvard students

Best when accompanied by alcohol

Much ado about nothing