Concentrations That Could Use More Media

Last week, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences announced that is likely to create a new undergraduate concentration in Theater, Dance, and Media. We weren’t sure exactly how “media” fit into all of this. But we thought it was a good idea. So good, in fact, that we thought that some other concentrations that could also benefit from a little dose of media.

Last week, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences announced that is likely to create a new undergraduate concentration in Theater, Dance, and Media. We weren’t sure exactly how “media” fit into all of this. But we thought it was a good idea. So good, in fact, that we thought that some other concentrations that could also benefit from a little dose of media.

Astrophysics and Media
Every year, a new movie brings us astrophysicist-heroes who rocket off to save the Earth from one extra-terrestrial threat or another. Course materials include Deep Impact and “Armageddon and a field trip to see Interstellar in 3D.

Comparative Study of Religion and Media
This concentration will answer some important questions, such as: What does the Pope like to watch? What is “The 700 Club,” and why is it always on ABC Family at seven a.m.?

Germanic Languages and Literatures and Media
One really cannot be considered a student of Germanic language without a little knowledge of Swedish television or Utvarp Saga, Iceland’s leading radio station.

Folklore and Mythology and Media
Students will watch “The Lord of the Rings” instead of reading it.

History and Science and Media
This concentration is really three fields all rolled into one. It’s ideal for students who can’t decide if they’re history people, science people, or nightly news-people. Curious about the history behind the technology behind the screen of your TV? No, us neither.

Visual and Environmental Studies and Media
Wait. No, that makes too much sense.