Drinking Game of Thrones

Whether you’re a dedicated fan who attended the early screening in the Science Center or you’re just watching the show ...

Whether you’re a dedicated fan who attended the early screening in the Science Center or you’re just watching the show for the first time, it’s easy to find things to like in HBO’s award-winning series “Game of Thrones.” That said, it’s even easier to find things to like if you’re watching it with Dornish wine in your chalice, mutton in your belly, and sworn allies by your side; In other words, have a flask handy. In honor of the third season, FM brings you Drinking Game of Thrones.

1. If anyone hums the theme song during the opening, they shotgun immediately.

2. If Tyrion drinks, you drink equally.

3. Whenever Arya uses an alias, take a sip.

4. For every Tyrion one-liner, take a sip.

5. Whenever John Snow gets called a bastard, take a sip (take two if he gets all sad and huffy-faced after).

6. If you ever want to slap Joffrey, take two sips.

7. If someone actually does slap Joffrey, finish your drink.

8. If, however, Joffrey slaps someone, unfinish your drink.

9. Whenever the dragons breathe fire, take a flaming shot.

10. Whenever someone mentions the Iron Throne, take a swig.

11. Whenever there’s incest, take a swig of your neighbor’s drink.

12. If Rickon appears, first person to notice makes everyone else drink.

13. Whenever someone says “For the night is dark and full of terrors,” scream and take a swig.

14. Whenever there’s a sex scene for no reason, start a waterfall until the scene ends.

15. Whenever someone mentions that Varys is a eunuch, take a swig.

16. Whenever someone asks Sansa about her period, take a swig.

17. Whenever a major character dies, kill your drink.