Fake Thesis Titles

Beyond Prescription Glasses: An Ethnographic Study of Junior Social Studies Tutorial 73

Beyond Prescription Glasses: An Ethnographic Study of Junior Social Studies Tutorial 73

The culmination of a four-year ethnographic insertion, this study offers a fascinating in(sight) into the sociological practices of a long misunderstood society. With funding provided by the Department of Sociology and the Harvard Advocate.

Understanding Happiness through the Eyes of Hens: The Case for Free-Range Eggs and a Student Center

Interviews and first-hand testimonial establish that hens are happier with more space to socialize outside of their eating and sleeping spaces. With funding provided by the Vegetarian Society and the Office for Student Life.

Finance and Society: Touring Western Europe in the Context of a Wall Street Salary

An aspiring 19-year-old investment banker’s exploration of five-star hotels, fine dining, and first-class air travel. With funding provided by the Department of Economics and the Porcellian.

Draft 2012 Creative Folklore and Mythology Thesis: !?@%$#^

The meaning of life. With no outside funding.

Criminology On Campus: Chronicling the Missing Laundry Movement

Those barely excluded from the University’s financial aid policy turn to crime during recession. With funding provided by the Student Labor Action Movement and Revolution Books.

Free Radicals in the Kitchen: Thermal Variance and Electron Shell Decay in Sunrise Pizza

Why hot breakfast is bad for you. With funding provided by HUHDS.

Would You Like Fries with That?: The Hegelian Implications of Work in the Fast Food Industry

An immersive dissertation on the contemporary intellectual struggles generated by employment at the Unit 7a Newton Industrial Park McDonald’s franchise, with saucy perspectives on a philosophy degree. With funding provided by the Office of Career Services and the Department of Psychology.

Constructing of Sexual Identity: Awkward Conversations with Ex-Boyfriends

Oh sweetie, it wasn’t because of you. Probably. With funding provided by the Committee on Degrees in Studies of Women, Gender and Sexuality.