Madison A. Greer

Dorm/House: Thayer/Quincy

Dorm/House: Thayer/Quincy

Concentration: I‘m part of the five-year joint degree program between Harvard and New England Conservatory, so I’m concentrating in English with a secondary in music at Harvard while working on my Master’s in jazz voice at NEC.

Hometown: Dallas, Texas

Ideal Date: Honestly? Ordering take-out and watching movies on the couch. Haha...I need to get out more.

What do you look for in a girl/guy: Chivalrous, sweet, funny, sensitive, hard-working, responsible­...please refer to Prince Charming in Cinderella.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Writing poetry or composing on Garage Band.

Your best pick-up line: I absolutely can’t stand pick-up lines. Say what you mean.

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: Not into deception. Beauty is truth, man.

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: “By all means move at a glacial pace. You know how that thrills me.” (from “The Devil Wears Prada”)

Favorite childhood activity: Laser tag!!!

Sexiest physical trait: Of mine? That’s the most awkward question ever!!!

Best part about Harvard: Everything! I love it!

Worst part about Harvard: Um...I really don’t understand how it can be 1 degree outside. I bought a virtual DVD fireplace for my room to pretend I was warm. :/

Describe yourself in 3 words: So much fierceness ;)

In 15 minutes, you are: Laughing it up with my friends.

In 15 years, you are: A human rights activist and a singer/songwriter/actress/model/dancer. I basically love doing anything artistic. Hmm...except for maybe drawing. My stick figures are not even sad.