Samara R. Oster

Dorm/House: Hurlbut/Adams

Dorm/House: Hurlbut/Adams

Concentration: English. Possible secondary in Dramatic Arts.

Hometown: Brookline, Mass.

Ideal Date: Great city, great sushi, even better conversation.

What do you look for in a girl/guy: Intelligence, humor, and an accent. Not in that order.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: I could be anywhere, but I’m undoubtedly in good company.

Your best pick-up line: Do you want something to atone for on Yom Kippur?

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: Sorry, I have a boyfriend.

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: If I have something to tell you, you probably already know it.

Favorite childhood activity: Creating adulterous situations amongst my Barbies. Seriously.

Sexiest physical trait: My hair (on a good day).

Best part about Harvard: Hands down, walking the Charles in the springtime.

Worst part about Harvard: That it’s not located in Manhattan.

Describe yourself in three words: Cynical optimist. Oxymoron?

In 15 minutes you are: Still G-chatting with Hannah Habte

In 15 years you are: On Broadway.