Yusef J. Jordan

Dorm/House: Wigglesworth/Winthrop

Dorm/House: Wigglesworth/Winthrop

Concentration: Neurobiology

Hometown: Palos Verdes, Calif.

Ideal Date: Dinner and Jacuzzi

What do you look for in a girl/guy: Good looks and a better personality

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Tearing up the streets of Cambridge

Your best pick-up line: I can tie a cherry stem into a knot with only my tongue, wanna see?

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: I told Harvard I got a 2350 on my SAT...shhhhh!

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: I have always wanted to tell my Spanish TF that she’s a cutie.

Sexiest physical trait: Smile

Best part about Harvard: The women. They are so smart and good-looking.

Worst part about Harvard: The weather

Describe yourself in three words: Tan Man Candy

In 15 minutes you are: Wasting my life away in Lamont Café

In 15 years you are: Wondering when this pre-med sh*t will end, so probably still in school