15 List: Other Seminars Harvard Students Could Use

With the Female Orgasm Seminar having already come and gone, many Harvard students are left wanting more. FM suggests some ...

With the Female Orgasm Seminar having already come and gone, many Harvard students are left wanting more. FM suggests some other seminars that might be equally fulfilling (hopefully this list is long enough to satisfy):

1. The Male Orgasm: This is an exclusively web-based seminar.

2. Surviving Assassins: It’s no fun getting caught in a Super Soaker’s line of fire when you’re not even playing.

3. Local Health Care Options: UHS is never going to help you.

4. Orgasms and Organisms: You actually have a hot lab partner in that OEB class. Now what?

5. Hostage Negotiation 101: When your roommate just won’t unlock the bathroom door.

6. How to Change a Light Bulb: Then the answer to that infamous question can be ‘one’. And so that you can graduate with at least one useful skill.

7. Prep School Fashion: For those of us with something to prove.

8. Art History Through the Ages: So your cocktail party banter is up to snuff.

9. The Art of Humility: Saying that you go to Harvard is a bad conversation starter. Especially at Harvard.

10. Social Interaction for Dummies: Or, how to drink vodka very, very quickly.

11. How to Cure a Hangover in 30 Minutes: The one seminar that will be useful for the rest of your life.

12. Pop Culture in the Time of Lady Gaga: Like this needs a reason.

13. The Upside to Incest: Admission rates are declining, so let’s keep it in the family.

14. Living with a Type-A Personality: You and your roommates should take this one.

15. Campus Hygiene Standards: We have better ways than body odor to get CNN’s attention (oh hai, MIT).