Couples Quiz: Girlfriend v. Best Friend

When Meaghan E. Glisczinski ’11 first met her boyfriend Shomesh E. Chaudhuri ’11 as a freshman, she was immediately captivated ...

When Meaghan E. Glisczinski ’11 first met her boyfriend Shomesh E. Chaudhuri ’11 as a freshman, she was immediately captivated by his smile. Or was it his “exotic skin color”? FM caught up with one of Harvard’s couples, and the BF’s roommate, Baltazar A. Zavala ’11, on the pair's third anniversary and did a little investigating. Who knows the man of the hour better, his girlfriend or his best friend?

The GF: Meaghan E.  Glisczinski  ’11

The Boy: Shomesh E.  Chaudhuri ’11

The Roomie: Baltazar A. Zavala ’11

1.    What’s his sexiest physical trait?

GF: Ass

B: Exotic skin color

R: Smile

2.    Least favorite thing about himself?

GF: Shorter than me

B: My GF is just a tiny bit taller than me

R: Stature

3.    Where would he go when he’s feeling sad?

GF: My room

B: My GF’s bed

R: His GF’s room

4.    If he could be a famous person, who would he want to be?

GF: Famous soccer player

B: Thierry Henry

R: Arsenal soccer player

5.    What’s the most embarrassing thing he’s done at Harvard?

GF: He never makes mistakes, so he has nothing to be embarrassed about.

B: In Math 1b, the professor makes fun of me during the exam in front of 200 kids.

R: When Math 21a embarrassed him during a midterm in front of the whole class and over 100 kids laughed at him.

6.    His favorite pick-up line?

GF: If you were a pirate, would you wear your parrot on this shoulder or [put arm around the girl’s shoulder] that shoulder?

B: If you were a pirate, would you wear your parrot on this shoulder or [put arm around the girl’s shoulder] that shoulder?

R: Wanna be more than friends?

7.    What about him sparked his girlfriend’s interest?

GF: His smile

B: My good looks

R: Nothing

8.    In 15 years, he will be…

GF: Still wearing his DHAs to work

B: Prime Minister of Canada

R: Married to Meaghan

9.    His biggest pet peeve?

GF: The Asian tourists in the Yard.

B: When you’re leaving the bathroom, the door handle’s wet and you just washed your hands.

R: Overeager section kids.

10.    What’s one thing that (secretly) annoys him about his GF?

GF: I talk a lot.

B: How every other guy checks her out

R: She’s too tall

11.    His favorite comfort food?

GF: Indian food

B: Chicken curry

R: Ketchup chips from Canada

12.    His favorite cheesy romantic gesture ?

GF: Taking me for a walk along the Charles

B: Pretending I’m a monkey to make her feel better

R: Candy

13. If he were stranded on an island, a) what would he SAY he'd bring, and b) what would he REALLY bring?

GF: a) Water b) Me

B: a)  My girlfriend b) My roommate

R: a) Soccer ball b) His engineering p-set

14.    What reality TV show would he go on?


B: "ANTM" for guys

R: "Jersey Shore"

15.    What’s something he wishes he could do?

GF: Go into space

B: Swim

R: Be funny