
How does Harvard do beauty pageants? Ten hot Asian guys, back flips, and a whole lot of skin. This past

How does Harvard do beauty pageants? Ten hot Asian guys, back flips, and a whole lot of skin.

This past weekend, the Harvard-Radcliffe Asian American Association hosted “Mr. Asian Sensation,” a male beauty pageant featuring undergraduate contestants representing different student groups.

The Adams Upper Common Room was packed with a rowdy audience including Asians and non-Asians alike, all displaying rumblings of excitement. Sanjin Tunovic ’10 came to support his roommate, contestant Andrew Q. Le ’10. “I can say on those lonely nights when I’m cuddling with him in bed, I’m cuddling with the hottest Asian on campus,” said Tunovic.

The ten hopefuls introduced themselves during a formal wear segment. Guanyi “Tony” Huang ’12 strutted across the stage in his version of creative black tie: jacket, tie, and boxers. Shirtless.

Next, contestants displayed talents ranging from mildly impressive to beyond bizarre. The audience got a little too involved, chanting, “Blow it, blow it, blow it,” referring to balloon animals. Christophe A. T. Van ’12 charmed the crowd with his adorable British accent and mind-reading magic tricks.

Judge Sanyee Yuan ’12 was impressed by the contestants’ lack of inhibitions. “I think the guys have fun on stage,” she said. “Guys are guys, they let everything hang loose.” Daniel E. Minamide ’12 walked the stage in only a tiger-striped Speedo, eliciting a chorus of catcalls. Eyes grew wide when Byron T. Lichtenstein ’11 ripped off his shirt and jiggled his pecs.

The tension climaxed with the judges’ decision. The audience exploded in applause for Mr. Asian Sensation, Van, who went home with a chance to represent Harvard at Wellesley’s Mr. Asian Student Union pageant, a free haircut, and his own tiara.