Something's Brewing in the Closet

When you hear the name “Pfoho Closet Beer Club,” several unwholesome images may spring to mind. Don’t worry: this club, founded by Ryan K. Schell ’11, has the support of Pfoho tutors as well as HoCo and is actually made up of people who brew their own beer. The brewing just happens to be taking place in a closet.

When you hear the name “Pfoho Closet Beer Club,” several unwholesome images may spring to mind. Don’t worry: this club, founded by Ryan K. Schell ’11, has the support of Pfoho tutors as well as HoCo and is actually made up of people who brew their own beer. The brewing just happens to be taking place in a closet.

Schell was inspired to form the club when he found the words “Brew Closet” written on an actual closet in the Bell Tower suite. Since he has brewing experience and a spot on HoCo as social chair, he decided to combine his two interests.

“I enjoy beer, and I feel like other people do, too, so I decided to create a club where we brew our own,” Schell says, “I thought it would bring the house together and foster house pride.”

After his initial discovery of the closet inscription, he sought approval from his House tutor and presented his plan to rest of the HoCo, which gave him a grant to pay for the supplies. Schell plans to meet with anyone interested in participating, and to present the finished product at a future Stein Club.

According to Schell, about 20 people have already expressed interest in getting involved. When asked what he thought of the proposal, Alex B. Lipton ’11 exclaimed, “Student entrepreneurship and beer? Who could ask for more?”

Papa R. Chakravarthy ’12, who had already heard about the idea, was supportive of both this initiative and the HoCo in general.

“I think Pfoho is very welcoming to new ideas, and the members and the leadership do a great job being inclusive to the rest of the house,” he says.

Schell may be starting the next big trend in Stein Club themes. Now he needs to plan the recipe for the Pfoho signature brew.