Tweeting Back @ Harvard

Harvard may be over 300 years old, but that hasn’t stopped it from keeping up with the times. Like other ...

Harvard may be over 300 years old, but that hasn’t stopped it from keeping up with the times. Like other colleges, Harvard created its very own Twitter account, tweeting away updates and announcements for over 4,000 following students, teachers, alums, and others as of this past Sunday. According to, it’s the #1 school in the country in number of followers, with Stanford and Yale at distant second and third places. And where Harvard tweets, others tweet back. Here’s what’s twittering around campus:

proxybird @ Princeton vs Harvard football game. & there’s no beer?!

mcgintyman I am at harvard watching football. Rather I’m watching my niece cheerlead at harvard. Not so sure about the football...

kjpalladino Princeton cannot play football. They make Harvard look like true div I. But all the players are smaller than me.

dianajue The Harvard Coop brings out the most interesting characters. Sitting by a slightly deranged homeless dude and a monk.

SBliefnick Harvard Square homeless man’s sign: This is my sign / There are many like it / But this one is mine.

fallingdeep Why are there a gazillion annoying Harvard freshmen at this Starbucks?!

Tony_Merida Standing at Harvard; their tour guide just said all freshman are socially awkward and they all know it :)

Krochmal Creeped out by all of the oil portraits of dead white guys on the Harvard Club walls.

mattsingley Every time the Harvard Club rings their timing bell I salivate uncontrollably

Strathchaileach there are some freaky, harvard (or yale) types, who want so much to be english, they fake the accent, and it sounds really stupid

kellnoel27 ... Yeah, I can definitely tell I haven’t been to the gym in months... Stupid Harvard. Going to the pool tonight to reverse the damage.