Love it: Diamond Magazine

Alright, I know I’m not winning myself any popularity with this stance. But I’m not arguing on behalf of porn

Alright, I know I’m not winning myself any popularity with this stance. But I’m not arguing on behalf of porn in general here—I’m just saying this magazine is hilarious and its continuity should be supported. Here’s why:

1) He (founder Matt di Pasquale ’09) interviews himself! When I was younger, I, like many children or schizophrenic people, used to ask myself questions in the mirror, with a hairbrush as a microphone, pretending to be both interviewer and famous pop star. Well, this guy is shamelessly doing it in front of all of us. In a magazine. Asking himself if he has any STDs. In front of all of us.

2) His bio reads like a college application! Regular porn? Whatever. Porn by a guy who names all the AP tests on which he has scored fives? Awesome.

3) He uses emoticons! See such gems as “Everyone’s a porn star at heart! :)” I like a guy in touch with his emotions.

4) He uses pictures of himself! I tend to think this move was probably driven more by a lack of models than by a life-long desire to stand naked on the Weeks bridge in awkwardly posed positions. But at a school where far too many people care about overrated things like pride and dignity, I have to applaud this ballsy move. And I am not going to apologize for that pun.