This is the Soundtrack of Your Life

LAMONTSTER: With iPod headphones plugged into their laptops, Lamonsters are almost always listening to sweet jams. Usually, these sweet jams

LAMONTSTER: With iPod headphones plugged into their laptops, Lamonsters are almost always listening to sweet jams. Usually, these sweet jams were popular about two months ago, just before midterms, when these students first entered Lamont.
Currently listening to: “Get Low,” by Flo Rida.
Will soon be listening to: “4 Minutes to Save the World,” by Madonna (from now until the end of finals)

DENIZEN OF GATO ROJO: Depending on who’s working behind the counter, Gato Rojo’s soundtrack runs the gamut from “pleasant background music” to “impossibly obscure indie releases by bands from Midwestern cities of which you’ve never heard.”
Currently listening to: “You wouldn’t have heard of them.”
Will soon be listening to: “You wouldn’t have heard of them; I haven’t even heard of them yet.”

GRADUATE STUDENT IN LOKER READING ROOM: “I’m not a kid anymore, all right? I know I used to love party jams, but I’m going to be a professor soon. Well, in six years soon. I’ve got to start buying serious music with no bass line. Fuck.”
Currently listening to: “Neon Bible,” by the Arcade Fire.
Will soon be listening to: “Classical music? I don’t know, what do Linguistics professors listen to? Oh man, I’m so in over my head, I really should have taken that job with Lehman.”

EVERYONE YOU KNOW: CEB finally landed a band that everyone is excited about—some because they know Wu-Tang’s music, others because they know they’re supposed to know Wu-Tang’s music. “Yeah, Wu-Tan Clan! I love those guys. Didn’t they have that song about a gravel quarry? And the Killing Bees! How could I forget. I always listen to them. OMG, I am so excited about this concert.”
Currently listening to: “C.R.E.A.M.,” by the Wu-Tang Clan (on YouTube).
Will soon be listening to: Other Wu-Tang songs, “anything to bring me up to speed. Thank God for the related videos.”