scoped! Christopher Kleinhen ’10

House: Eliot Concentration: Psychology, Spanish Hometown : Palos Verdes, Calif. <br

House: Eliot

Concentration: Psychology, Spanish

Hometown: Palos Verdes, Calif.

Ideal Date: April 1

Best way for a girl to get your attention: Act like you don’t care.

Where to find you on a Saturday night: Hanging at 44, sipping on Jack.

First thing you notice about a girl: That she is acting like she doesn’t care.

Your best pick-up line: Oye mami...tantas curvas y yo sin frenos...

Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: I can’t believe it’s not butter!

Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone: I am in love with nature.

Favorite childhood toy: A little stuffed animal named blue bear

Sexiest physical trait: Modesty

Favorite part about Harvard: Andres Face Shirt

Describe yourself in three words: I’m bad at math

In 15 minutes you are: Running late for class

In 15 years you are: Running late for my wedding