One Weekend to Rule Them All

Planning on hosting a prefrosh this year? Picturing an idyllic weekend filled with activity fairs and library tours? After hearing

Planning on hosting a prefrosh this year? Picturing an idyllic weekend filled with activity fairs and library tours? After hearing these stories, you might just reconsider.

Amanda C. Shanks ’08

One of our prefrosh went out partying. When she came back, she was really drunk and decided to puke. But instead of puking in the toilet, she decided to puke on the floor to the left of the toilet. Then, she left a note thanking only one of us.

Alex P. Lipton ’11

I was walking towards Currier with my prefrosh host when a water balloon came sailing down from a roof and landed three feet to the right of us. All of a sudden, we heard this voice from above shout, “Welcome to the OC, bitch!”

Yale A. Zeller ’10

We were hosting one or two prefrosh in our room. I went to bed and woke up to the sounds of girls giggling. I walked out to our common room and saw five prefrosh girls all around this one guy, giggling and huddled around him... That’s when I knew I’d be friends with this man forever.

David E. Haber ’09

During our prefrosh weekend, my future roommate and I both hooked up with the same girl... Where is she now?

Jay E. Teng ’08

This one girl was here for prefrosh weekend, but since she knew she had to take two years off to be in the Israeli army, she wanted a wild night. She wanted to go to a Roxy party, but was only 17, so she asked my blockmate for her ID to use. We’ve never hosted prefrosh since.

Erica A. Tsacoyeane ’10

Last year, I saw a friend of mine wearing a really nice outfit, clearly dressed up for an occasion. When I asked what he was doing, he kind of dodged the question. It turns out my guy friends had a bet to see how many of them could get with prefrosh girls.

Rosen D. Kralev ’09

I hosted this guy my freshman year. I actually let him sleep in my bed because I had to do a Math 55 problem set and stayed up all night doing it.

Benjamin C. Burns ’10

(Crimson editorial and arts writer.)

When I was staying here prefrosh weekend, my host was this really nice, really mellow guy. I had a flight home at 10:15 in the morning, but by mistake I put my phone on vibrate when I went to bed. Turns out my host just never came back to his room that night, and I missed my flight home... It was entirely his fault.

Vincent M. Chiappini ’09

I was in the middle of the Yard, and two kids in a row had just peed on John Harvard. This prefrosh kid who looked like his mom had dressed him was just standing there swaying, retardedly drunk. He decided he wanted to climb John Harvard, but couldn’t. So this kid tried to shimmy up John Harvard’s freshly-peed-on, urine-soaked leg, and tried to pee on it. Of course, he pretty much missed and just peed all over himself before stumbling away.