From Core Classes to the Catwalk

He’s tall. He’s attractive. He’s stylish. And he’s got what it takes. He’s Stefan A. Zebrowski-Rubin ’08, currently ranked ninth

He’s tall. He’s attractive. He’s stylish. And he’s got what it takes.

He’s Stefan A. Zebrowski-Rubin ’08, currently ranked ninth in the male model search sponsored by VMAN magazine and Ford Models, giving him the chance to win a modeling contract, a magazine cover shoot, and lots of admirers in libraries campus-wide.

Sporting a pair of Gucci tortoiseshell frames, a mustard-yellow tee from Banana Republic and black Zegna jeans, Zebrowski-Rubin explains that entering the competition simply involved submitting a few photographs and a short personal statement.

Zebrowski-Rubin didn’t become particularly focused on fashion and modelling until the summer after his sophomore year, when he went to Italy for an internship.

“Being surrounded by men and women who were so attentive to details of color and fabric made me wake up a little to fashion,” he says.

But don’t think his chic demeanor is just for fun: Zebrowski-Rubin’s friend Marina A. D’Ambrosio, whom he met while in Italy, says that his current style reflects his intellectualism.

“He sees his body and life as a form of art and celebrates it through his clothes so that everybody can see and understand more about his view of the world,” she says. Deep.

Still, some of Zebrowski-Rubin’s friends were surprised by his decision to enter the online ogling fest.

“Stefan has always been a very quiet, private person, and quite frankly I was shocked. But in a good way,” says Zebrowski-Rubin’s sister, Zarya A. Rubin ’92.

And Zebrowski-Rubin is not just a pretty face. He’s also pursuing internships at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and at Phaidon, an art publisher in London. But just in case those career paths don’t pan out, he’s got a backup in his budding modelling career.

“I think this contest is kind of like an unconventional way of finding another option for next year, after graduation,” he says.

FM’s vote: screw publishing. We want someone from Harvard to become a Calvin Klein underwear model.