Judging with Dr. Jamison

Dear Dr. Jamison, Ph.D., I have been in a loving, committed relationship now for almost two years. While my girlfriend

Dear Dr. Jamison, Ph.D.,

I have been in a loving, committed relationship now for almost two years. While my girlfriend and I enjoy a wide range of activities, our best moments together are definitely the more intimate ones. This did not pose a problem last year when I had a single in Canaday, which allowed me and my girl, who I will call “Maude,” to be intimate at any hour of the day. But moving out of the Yard meant giving up my precious coital quarters for a double I now share with my roommate, “Skeeter,” in Dunster. To make matters even worse, our double is a walk-through, with my bedroom inconveniently in the middle. As a result, Skeeter has walked in on me and Maude “proving our love” several times and I have this sense that he is starting to get annoyed by it. He refuses to talk to me or even look me in the eye anymore. He doesn’t even leave his Chem 27 problem sets on my desk for me to copy. Tell me, Dr. Jamison, Ph.D., how can I rekindle the magic with my forlorn friend?

--Distraught in Dunster

Dear Distraught,

Roommate troubles can be quite difficult to solve, unless both of you are willing to be open about what is really bothering you, and then think creatively in coming to a solution. I have a feeling that Skeeter is feeling left out, since you spend so much time with Maude. You should try to incorporate him more tangibly into your relationship, and since the best moments you and Maude have together are the intimate ones, that looks like the obvious place to begin. As they say, “a helping hand always comes in handy!”

Bonne chance!

And to all my other loyal readers, please send your puzzles, quagmires, and pickles to me, Dr. Jamison, Ph.D., at wtf.should.i.do@gmail.com