House: Lowell!
Concentration: Economics
Hometown: Weston, Mass.
Ideal Date: January 13 (the day after my thesis is due.) Second most ideal date: some creative sequence of events that costs under 10 dollars total. Stealing not allowed.
What do you look for in a girl/guy: Genuine concern about something other than money and social status...and funny.
Where to find you on a Saturday night: Look 2 places. 1) Wherever my boyfriend is. We’re in a very committed relationship. His name is Thesis. 2) Wherever you find The Seneca
Your best pick up line: My great uncle founded Goldman AND McKinsey. NOTA EXTREMELY BENE: he didn’t. It was a joke. Back off, jobless and eligible (or willing to be eligible to not be jobless) bachelors...
Best or worst lie you’ve ever told: I’m too old for this
Something you’ve always wanted to tell someone:
Favorite childhood activity: Full disclosure: it was doing math. I was math team captain in high school, and I have a sweatshirt that says “we’ll kick your acids.” I may or may not be wearing it right now.
Sexiest physical trait: My sidekick, Natalia Rigol ’08.5.
Best part about Harvard: The people.
Worst part about Harvard: The people. Don’t worry, you’re probably in the “best part about Harvard” category.
Describe yourself in 3 words: Guy, a, three.
In 15 minutes you are: In euphoria that Americans elected a black president.
In 15 years you are: In euphoria that Americans elected a female AND gay president (it’s going to be a good 15 years. Get on board, California, lesbian is the new black.)