Trapped in the Closet

Every student has had one of those Friday nights when he or she has bemoaned the inconveniently narrow Harvard beds.

Every student has had one of those Friday nights when he or she has bemoaned the inconveniently narrow Harvard beds. Now, unfortunately for Dunster residents, length has also become an issue, as has closet size, dresser size, desk size, and every other Harvard-issued dorm accessory.

“One closet is so small, we can’t fit hangers in it the right way,” said Mariah A. Bush ’10, opening a door to reveal a sad little closet in which coats were hanging with their lapels facing the opening.

And Bush wasn’t even blessed with Dunster House’s newest space-saving technique: beds with extra high legs accommodating two pint-sized dressers that fit into the space below.

Jonathan K. Nguyen ’09 didn’t find this Polly Pocket setup very cute.

“When I first saw the room, I was kinda like, ‘crap,’” said Nguyen.

However, always the innovative Harvardian, Nguyen has moved the offending dressers to the next room over, while the space-saving hutch that started out on top of the 25% smaller desk is serving a better purpose as a bench. It’s now supporting his buttocks instead of his books, which is really what the tree would have wanted, anyway.