
OK Go! is scheduled to make an appearance at a Lampoon fund raiser in the upcoming weeks, rounding out a

OK Go! is scheduled to make an appearance at a Lampoon fund raiser in the upcoming weeks, rounding out a month that already saw an appearance by Ratatat...Some artsy types decided to forego Third Eye Blind (I know, we’re surprised too) and instead listened to poets, violinists, and New York Times editorial columnists, oh my! The party then moved back to Dunster, where the eccentric alums got to try their hands at wooing the hot young undergrads...Matherites, in addition to threatening to secede from the College or whatever they proposed, seem to have bought rash-inducing soap for Mather Lather once again. Perhaps the UC was (gasp) right for once when they refused to put dolla billz into these irresponsible confederate hands.